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Healing Our Child Within 

We all have a broken part of us that longs to belong and be healed.

“Your actions and words hurt me when I was young.”

He finally plucked up the courage and blurted out the lines.


He didn’t want an apology.  He just wanted to get closer to him.

To reconcile the distant relationship he and his dad always had.


“Are you crazy? Be grateful for what you’ve got! ”


“I hope I’m not born into this family!”


Deeply wounded, he left. The inner child who was once hopeful for love, never wanted to be seen or heard again.

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Dad, mum, brother... they're preoccupied with their lives..

but my book, Devil, isn't. 


Book is my best companion. Book never leaves me.



Storyboard by Mathilda Haite Higgins & Edane Ng

Animation by Mathilda Haite Higgins 

Performed by E-da-nee NG

Music by Schumann Fantasiestucke Op.12 1-3

Background by Mathilda Haite Higgins

Father, do you love me?


All my life, I wanted you to  be happy and proud of me.  

But I tried so hard to please you... and that became all I knew about love.​



Father and I

Storyboard by The Mokumentary & Edane Ng

Animation by Elisa Lotto 

Performed by E-da-nee NG

Music by Brahms Op.117 No.3

Comic and Background by The Mokumentary

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Dear David,

Abuse is not a pissing contest to who had it worse. Everyone's worst experience is a 10 out of 10.  It's about what damage you take away from it.



Aunty Tinsel

Not Silence

Animation by E-da-nee NG 

Art by Mybraininajar

Performed by E-da-nee NG

Music by Brahms Rhapsody Op.79 No.2

Background by Mybraininajar

Special thanks to Havoca and Stephen

Poems by Embers, Tony Demoncy, Soulstarsun, Dave ID

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